1st June 2016, Wednesday

01-06-2016 (1st June 2016) adding to 16/7…..Its a spiritualistic Wednesday
Things to Do: A day when you have a fine analytical mind that is capable of penetrating beneath the surface of the subject at hand. You also have the capacity for excellent concentration. You must use that mind to your greatest advantage. Investigate the subjects you love and gain the depth of knowledge in these fields. Specialize. Become an expert in a given area. This will give you a means of earning a living and personal power to share your wisdom. Become a professor of your own self. Give yourself time which it demands.
Things to Avoid: Don’t let your energies scatter you. It maybe a high time that you excel yourself but becoming excellent and becoming perfect are two different things. Don’t mix the two, thereby, becoming harsh on yourself. Its we who become harsh on ourselves and feel that others have become harsh on us, thereby, criticizing the world for not being able to understand us. But its, actually we, who has failed to understand ourselves. Understand your true inner self and you wont need to think for what others say and do.

Punchline: “With every new day comes new thoughts and a new you.” In this competitive world, we think our main competition is with the world, but we as a human fail to find that our main competition is not with the world but with our-self.  We don’t realize that though there is huge competition outside, but first we have to become better than what we were yesterday, be it as a person, as an employee, as a business man or anything and everything that we can think of. The day, instead of focusing on competition with others, we start focusing on competition with ourselves, that is the day, when we as a human have attained the highest spiritual level.


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